3. Media and Digital Technologies

Media e tecnologie digitali

This area of Pa.S.T.I.S. research analyses media and communication technologies, with an emphasis on the digital world. The interests of the research group cover traditional media (such as television) and the most recent digital and interactive media, which have become vital for understanding social changes and organisation in the modern world. Pa.S.T.I.S.’s approach is characterised by the attention it pays to content analysis and media representation, practices and media use in everyday life, and the relationship between innovation and the technical evolution of media technologies, focusing on platforms and digital infrastructures.

This area comprises four research groups:

Digital media, identity, and social relations research studies the role of digital media in the processes of identity construction, interaction, and social relations. The analysed topics relate to ways of representing and managing the self on digital platforms and in different kinds of mediated interactions.

Media and technological innovation research studies the relationship between technological innovation and the evolution of media practices and materiality, from both a historical point of view and in relation to the evolution of digital media in contemporary society. Specific attention is paid to digital platforms, internet-based media, and emerging technologies such as blockchain, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

Media, gender, sexualities, and intimacies research focuses on the relationship between the media and social constructions of sexuality and gender. Media representations and digital practices connected to intimacy are fundamental to this research area, which specifically focuses on online sexual activities (cybersex, sexting, etc.) and the consumption of pornography.

Digital media and education research is dedicated specifically to the relationship between technologies and education processes, emphasising digital literacy and its relationship with social and cultural capital. Pa.S.T.I.S. also offers workshops and training for young people and adults (parents, teachers, and educators) regarding the critical use of digital media.
