Democracy and Expertise Collaboratory (DECo)

The Democracy and Expertise Collaboratory (DECo) is pleased to announce the launch of its Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). Inspired by the Action Networking Tools of the EU-funded COST Actions (see here ), STSMs offer researchers the opportunity to undertake collaborative research visits between the ‘Padova Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Research Unit’ – PaSTIS  (University of Padova, UNIPD, Italy) and the ‘Science and Technology Studies Laboratory’ – STS Lab (University of Lausanne, UNIL, Switzerland). STSMs are primarily open to any early-stage researcher (e.g., PhD with an approved research project, or post-docs within five years of their PhD award) in the host institutions (UNIL and UNIPD) with a clearcut scientific interest in STS research and in the exchange with the other institution – provided that such mission is relevant also to DECo’s core themes. Senior researchers or other research staff members who are willing to engage in joint research efforts may also apply under specific conditions (see tabs below).

By participating in STSMs, researchers will not only benefit from the opportunity to collaborate closely with peers but also contribute to the growth and visibility of the UNIL-UNIPD partnership and the broader STS research community.

Grantees of DECo’s STSMs have then 60 calendar days from the end date of their visit to submit a scientific report to the DECo Steering Group.

For further details, please contact the DECo Steering Group at