Giving Bodies back to Data: Socio-technical Imaginaries in the Age of Operational Images
Pa.STIS opens 2022 with a seminar by Silvia Casini, senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, with a presentation of her book “Giving Bodies Back to Data. Image Makers, Bricolage, and Reinvention in Magnetic Resonance Technology” published by MIT Press. The book provides an examination of the bodily, situated aspects of data-visualization work, looking at visualization practices around the development of MRI technology.
Today, in fact, our bodies are scanned, probed, imaged, sampled and transformed into data by clinicians and technologists. In her book, Silvia Casini reveals the affective relations and materiality that turn data into image – and in so doing, gives bodies back to data. Opening the black box of MRI technology, Casini examines the bodily and situated aspects of visualization practices around the development of this technology by combining history, theory, laboratory ethnography, archival research, and collaborative art-science. She presents an in-depth ethnographic study of the development of MRI development at the University of Aberdeen’s biomedical physics laboratory, from the construction of the first whole-body scanner for clinical purposes through the evolution of FFC-MRI.
The seminar will be open to public attendance in-person and online by booking here:
If you would like to attend in person, please write: info@pastis-research.eu
In accordance with the provisions of the current legislative measures, including in particular Decree-Law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, with amendments, by Law no. 87 of 17 June 2021, with the amendments made by Decree-Law no. 105 of 23 July 2021, the following measures are adopted to combat and contain the spread of COVID-19.
– Access will be allowed only to persons with a COVID-19 Green Certification (as per art. 9 of the Decree-Law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, with amendments, by the Law no. 87 of 17 June 2021): the relevant verification will be carried out in accordance with art. 13 of the D.P.C.M. 17 June 2021 “Disposizioni attuative dell’articolo 9, comma 10, del decreto-legge 22 aprile 2021, n. 52, recante “Misure urgenti per la graduale ripresa delle attività economiche e sociali nel rispetto delle esigenze di contenimento della diffusione dell’epidemia da COVID-19”.