Paolo Giardullo has a PhD in Sociology of cultural phenomena and regulatory processes. He earned the title by defending the thesis “Environmental policies and social complexity: the case of air quality policies” at the Department of Economics, Society and Politics (DESP) at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. His main research areas are the public communication of science and technology and environmental issues. Furthermore, he matched these topics with the study of methodological challenges of Big Data and Internet Studies.
Giardullo P, (2019), Spreading mosquitoes: a media analysis of Italian national newspapers about mosquitoes borne diseases and related intervention, in Claeys C. (Edit by), Mosquitoes
management: between environmental and health issues, Peter Lang European editions, ISBN: 978-2-8076-0243-4
Giardullo P, (2018), Non è aria: Cittadini e politiche contro l’inquinamento atmosferico, Bologna, Il Mulino, ISBN: 978-88-15-27832-6
Onorati M. G., GIARDULLO P. (2018), «La ristorazione in Valle d’Aosta secondo TripAdvisor: tra disintermediazione del gusto e ri-mediazione transculturale del “tipico”». Comunicazionepuntodoc n. 19, special issue: “Il ristorante italiano Memoria, cultura, identità, esperienze”, pp. 151-159. ISSN: 2282-0140
Crabu S., GIARDULLO P., Miele F., Turrini M. (a cura di) (2017). Sociotechnical Environments: Proceedings of the 6th STS ITALIA CONFERENCE. Di Stefano Crabu; Giardullo Paolo;Francesco Miele; Mauro Turrini. Milano: STS Italia Publishing. ISBN: 978-88-94-0625-19
Crabu S., GIARDULLO P., Miele F., Turrini M. (2017). Performing sociotechnical environments: intersections of bodies, knowledge, artefacts and politics. In: Sociotechnical Environments: Proceedings of the 6th STS ITALIA CONFERENCE. p. 1-6, Milano:STS Italia Publishing, ISBN: 978-88-94-0625-19
Giardullo P. (2017). Book review: Storage and scarcity. New practices for food, energy and water.RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA, vol. 4, p. 931-932, ISSN: 0486-0349
Onorati M. G., GIARDULLO P (2017). Turismo esperienziale 2.0. Il caso della ristorazione in Valle d’Aosta su TripAdvisor . In: (a cura di): BALBIANI LAURA, KLUGE DORIT, Scritture e linguaggi del turismo: Viaggi tra parole, interpretazioni, esperienze. Roma: Editore Nuova Cultura, ISBN: 978-88-68-1289-75
GIARDULLO P, Lorenzet A (2016), Techno-scientific Issues in the Public Sphere (TIPS) project, EASST Review, 35(4), pp. 10-14
Giardullo P, (2016) Book review: Media, Environment and the Network Society, by Alison G.
Anderson London, Palgrave-MacMillan on Tecnoscienza. The Italian Journal of Science and
Technology Studies vol. 7 (2), p. 170-173, ISSN: 2038-3460
GIARDULLO P, Sergi V., Carton W., Kenis A., Kesteloot C., Kazepov Y., Kobus D., Maione M.,
Skotak K., Fuzzi S., Pollini F. (2016) Air quality from a social perspective in four European
metropolitan areas: Research hypothesis and evidence from the SEFIRA project.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, ISSN: 1462-9011, doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2016.05.002
Crovato S., A Pinto, GIARDULLO P, G Mascarello, F Neresini, L Ravarotto (2016). ‘Food safety and young consumers: testing a serious game as a risk communication tool’, Food Control, ISSN: 0956-7135, doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.10.009
Sergi V., GIARDULLO P., Kazepov Y., Maione M., (2016) ‘Can concern for air quality improvement increase the acceptability ofclimate change mitigation policies?’, in Leal Filho, W., Azeiteiro, U.M., Alves, F. (Eds) 2016. Climate Change and Health: improving resilience and reducing risks, SPRINGER “Climate Change Management Series”
GIARDULLO, P. and Neresini F., (2015) ‘La governance della produzione alimentare nel dibattito pubblico italiano’, Amministrare rivista dell’Istituto Italiano di Scienza dell’Amministrazione vol. 45, p. 205-234, ISSN: 0044-8141, doi: 10.1442/80279
Giardullo,P. (2015). ‘Does ‘bigger’ mean ‘better’? Pitfalls and shortcuts associated with big data for social research’, Quality & Quantity 1-19. 10.1007/s11135-015-0162-8
Giardullo P., (2015) review of Experts and Campaigners: scientific information and collective action in socio-ecological conflicts of Mercedes Martínez-Iglesias (ed), València: Universitat de València, 2014 in Tecnoscienza. The Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies vol. 6, p. 164-167, ISSN: 2038-3460
GIARDULLO P. and Lazzer G.P. (2014), ‘Digital texts’ infrastructure: reading and writing practices at the digital turning poin’t, in Mongili A. and Pellegrino G. (eds) Information infrastructure, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK p. 166-188
GIARDULLO P., Lorenzet A. (2013), ‘La ricerca emergente nei media: nanotecnologie, neuroscienze, biologia sintetica e proteomica’, in A. Lorenzet e F. Neresini (eds.), Annuario di Scienza e Società, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 39-47.
Giardullo P. (2012), ‘Actors in public representation of risk: a comparison using the Observa Science in the Media Monitor’, in Quality, Honesty and Beauty in Science and Technology Communication. Proceedings of 12th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference Florence, Italy, 18th-20th April 2012. p. 281-288