Media, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Europe

5 GC Blu | Padova Science Technology and Innovation Studies PaSTIS together with ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), section Gender & Communication, organized the international conference entitled Media, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Europe which will address the themes of resistance and redefinition of the gender in media performance, consumption and production through the keynotes of Karen Ross (Newcastle University) and John Mercer (Birmingham City University), the9 parallel sessions, and a round table about knowledge production.

PaSTIS together with ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), section Gender & Communication, organized the international conference entitled Media, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Europe which will address the themes of resistance and redefinition of the gender in media performance, consumption and production through the keynotes of Karen Ross (Newcastle University) and John Mercer (Birmingham City University), the9 parallel sessions, and a round table about knowledge production.

Pa.S.T.I.S. riunisce dal 2008 le attività inerenti lo studio sociale dei media, della scienza, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione di un gruppo di ricercatori operanti presso la sezione di Sociologia del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata (FISPPA) dell’Università di Padova.