- Years: 2020-2022
- Contact persons: Paolo Giardullo, Federico Neresini
- H2020 – Science with and for Society (SWAFS) 19 – SwafS-19-2018-2019-2020 – Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
- Partners:
- Science for Change (Spain) – Coordinator
- FCiências.ID (Portugal)
- The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology -FECYT- (Spain)
- Formicablu s.r.l. (Italy)
- Project link: https://newsera2020.eu


is a Horizon 2020 project coordinated by Science for Change (Spain). The project is devoted to analysing and evaluating strategies for the engagement of quadruple helix stakeholders (universities, industry, policymakers, and overall society) in citizen science projects as the new paradigm for science communication.
NEWSERA uses a bottom-up approach to co-design strategies for selected citizen science projects, with the aim of improving their science communication practices and their impact on the quadruple helix stakeholder groups. These strategies involve science journalists and science communicators to propose innovative ways to open up science and innovation to society, industry, and policymakers and increase trust in science communication. The overall aim of NEWSERA is to show that citizen science can be used as a powerful science communication tool.
Research Area: Open science and open innovation