S.O.L.E.H Veneto. Sustainable Operation Low-cost Energy for Hotels

  • Period: 2020-21
  • Scientific coordinator: Giorgio Osti
  • Contact person: Petra Muneratti
  • Financial support: European Social Fund (ESF) Veneto 2014-2020
  • Partners: University of Padua, University of Thessaly, CONTEC Ingegneria, STEAM S.r.l., BORTOLETTO serramenti, ACHAB S.r.l., Fondazione Fenice Onlus, ANCE Padova, FOREMA, ASSINDUSTRIA, Laboratory Indoor Environment and Low Energy Building Design (IELEBD)


S.O.L.E.H is a multidisciplinary research which aims to highlight and disseminate good practices in the energy requalification of hotels.

The project sets this objective through the analysis of three Italian and Greek case studies, in collaboration with professional partners and hoteliers, in order to propose technical and communicative solutions in accordance with their needs.

The FISPPA-UNIPD Department will cooperate in the project by investigating innovative strategies for the dissemination of refurbishment methods, capable of generating new models of investment and tourism promotion.

Research Area: Environment, Sustainability, and Territory