The special issue “The intricacies of power relations and digital technologies in organizational processes”

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The special issue "The intricacies of power relations and digital technologies in organizational processes" (edited by Francesco Miele with Attila Bruni, Daniel Pittino and Lia Tirabeni) has been published in the journal Studi Organizzativi. The volume, hosting six contributions by Italian and international authors, aims at contributing to overcome the deterministic vision of the relationship between technological change and power asymmetries at the workplace. Sitting at the intersection between organizational studies, sociology of work and science and technology studies, the proposed articles explore the entanglements that involve technologies and their emerging uses, organizational processes as a whole and the dynamics of power and control in contemporary organizations.</p>
The special issue “The intricacies of power relations and digital technologies in organizational processes” (edited by Francesco Miele with Attila Bruni, Daniel Pittino and Lia Tirabeni) has been published in the journal Studi Organizzativi. The volume, hosting six contributions by Italian and international authors, aims at contributing to overcome the deterministic vision of the relationship between technological change and power asymmetries at the workplace. Sitting at the intersection between organizational studies, sociology of work and science and technology studies, the proposed articles explore the entanglements that involve technologies and their emerging uses, organizational processes as a whole and the dynamics of power and control in contemporary organizations.

Pa.S.T.I.S. riunisce dal 2008 le attività inerenti lo studio sociale dei media, della scienza, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione di un gruppo di ricercatori operanti presso la sezione di Sociologia del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata (FISPPA) dell’Università di Padova.