Minniti | Padova Science Technology and Innovation Studies My research interests are in the fields of Science & Technology Studies (STS) and New Media Studies, and focus on innovation and the digitalization process. My research is markedly interdisciplinary, drawing from STS, anthropology, art, and design. As a researcher, I combine the analysis of contemporary and historical socio-technical phenomena with the conceptual-material design of technology.

Sergio Minniti

Post-doc researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), University of Padova

E-mail: sergio.minniti@unipd.it
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6358-4427
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergio_Minniti2
Academia: https://talentgate.academia.edu/SergioMinniti

My research interests are in the fields of Science & Technology Studies (STS) and New Media Studies, and focus on innovation and the digitalization process. My research is markedly interdisciplinary, drawing from STS, anthropology, art, and design. As a researcher, I combine the analysis of contemporary and historical socio-technical phenomena with the conceptual-material design of technology.

Currently, I am a post-doc researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) at the University of Padova, where I am researching in the area of Industry 4.0 for a project entitled “Digital Innovation in the Context of SMEs: A Transdisciplinary Approach”, which is funded by F.A.I.V. Federazione Artigiani Imprenditori Vicentini. Between 2017 and 2019 I participated in the Horizon 2020 project entitled “EULAC Focus: Giving Focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU-CELAC Relations” (http://eulac-focus.net/), where I investigated the digital transformation of scientific work, the evolution of open access publishing in Latin America, and the networks of scientific collaboration between European and Latin American countries. During this period, I held the position of Lecturer at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at the University of Experimental Technological Research Yachay Tech, Ecuador, where I taught a laboratory course focusing on social innovation and critical engineering.

Recent Publications:

Minniti, S. (2021) Short-circuiting Media History Research: Convergences between Media Archaeology and Media Art. Comunicazioni Sociali, 43 (1), pp. 29-37.

Minniti, S. (2020) “Buy Film Not Megapixels”: The Role of Analogue Cameras in the Rematerialization of Photography and the Configuration of Resistant Amateurism. In A.C. Hall (a cura di), The Camera as Actor: Photography and the Embodiment of Technology, London: Routledge, pp. 79-102.

Minniti, S. (2020) Utilizzatori e tecnologie. In P. Magaudda e F. Neresini (a cura di), Gli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 109-126.

Minniti, S., Salazar Mejia, J. M., and Vega Bazantes, J. D. (2019) Implementing Low Cost Digital Libraries for Rural Communities by Re-functioning Obsolescent Television Sets: The Offline-pedia Project. VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture, 8 (15), pp.123-139.

Magaudda, P. e Minniti, S. (2019) Retromedia-in-practice: A Practice Theory Approach for Rethinking Old and New Media Technologies. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 25 (4), pp. 673-693.

Minniti, S. (2018) Polaroid, Kodak e la digitalizzazione: il fallimento di una visione “ibrida” della fotografia digitale. In G. Balbi and P. Magaudda (eds), Fallimenti digitali: un’archeologia dei nuovi media, Milano: Unicopli, pp. 29-44.

Minniti, S. and De Paoli, S. (2018) Learning by Gaming: ANT and Critical Making. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 9 (1), pp. 103-120.

Minniti, S., Santoro, V. and Belli, S. (2018) Mapping the Development of Open Access in Latin America and Caribbean Countries. An Analysis of Web of Science Core Collection and SciELO Citation Index (2005–2017). Scientometrics, 117 (3), pp. 1905-1930.

Minniti, S. (2016) Polaroid 2.0. Photo-Objects and Analogue Instant Photography in the Digital Age. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7 (1), pp. 17-44.

Minniti, S. (2016) La rimaterializzazione della fotografia nell’era digitale: il caso dei polaroider. Comunicazioni Sociali, 38 (1), pp. 93-100.