Socioscientific issues in the Almería press

preliminary studies.

Seminar on the research project of

Naira Díaz Moreno

Giovedì 6 Dicembre 2012 – ore 16:00[:]

Dipartimento FISPPA, sede di Sociologia – Sala Specchi, via Cesarotti 10/12, Padova.

The main objective of this research project is to study and analyse socioscientific issues divulgation (Simonneaux & Simonneaux, 2009) in the media, specifically in written press, given that SSIs are widespread in current and emerging issues in our society.

As a starting point of our study, we consider that SSIs can be an important driver of scientific literacy within and outside the classroom (Sadler and Zeidler, 2009).

Socioscientific debates arise and become widespread concerning the most popular and innovative issues in our society: transgenics, Homeopathy, the impact of mobile phone network and so on. For this reason we believe it is important to analyse the meaning of these debates and the relationship between information processing in newspapers and teaching literature and to determine their possible use in a school context.

Pa.S.T.I.S. riunisce dal 2008 le attività inerenti lo studio sociale dei media, della scienza, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione di un gruppo di ricercatori operanti presso la sezione di Sociologia del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata (FISPPA) dell’Università di Padova.