edited by Paolo Magaudda – Federico Neresini
Collana “Manuali” – il Mulino
ISBN 978-88-15-28789-2, pp. 280
The collective volume edited by Paolo Magaudda and Federico Neresini has been published. It introduces social studies on science and technology (STS), a research field and a reference point to analyse and understand the complex relationship between techno-scientific innovation and the wider social, political, and cultural context.
The text comprises works of the main Italian STS scholars, among them members of PaSTIS (Paolo Giardullo, Sergio Minniti and Alessandro Mongili). The handbook sheds light on the origins, main concepts and basic understandings of STS approach, offering a wide range of themes and areas of intersection between science, technology and society: from environmental sustainability to health, from gender and body to the role of networks and algorithms, from transformations in the world of work to those of educational processes.