- Years: 2014 – ongoing
- Scientific Coordinator: Federico Neresino (FISPPA department, University of Padua)
- Contact person: Paolo Giardullo
- Link of the project: http://www.tipsproject.eu/tips/#/public/home
The TIPS project was set up with the objective of developing, testing and implementing automatic procedures for the acquisition, classification and analysis of digital content available on the web – mainly from newspapers and social networks – in order to monitor the quantitative presence and qualitative evolution in the public discourse of science and technology.
TIPS has developed its own web-platform that includes a series of modules for the collection, indexing and automatic analysis of article texts together with their metadata.
TIPS constantly monitors the eight major Italian newspapers covering a time span from 2010 to yesterday. Since 2014, the platform has started to expand its set of sources to include articles from US, British, French, Spanish, Russian and Latin American newspapers. TIPS is currently able to calculate indicators such as salience, prominence and presence of techno-scientific topics on more than 2.6 million documents.
Research Area: Technoscientific Issues in the Public Sphere